
In an increasingly digitizing world with developments such as cloud-based services, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, organizations are collecting personal data in volumes barely comprehensible. Legislation, enforcement and rulings on privacy and data protection therefore continue to evolve rapidly. With the advent of the General Data Protection Regulation in 2018 as a major milestone. Privacy has always been an important topic for compliance professionals, but with all the developments, the relevance of this area as an interest in the compliance domain is further increasing.

The Expert Group on Privacy also provides the VCO’s Data Protection Officer. By rotation, one of our members performs this function, and is supported by all members of the Expert Group on Privacy.


  • Facilitate and promote exchange of expertise and experience among VCO members;
  • Serve as an enquirer for VCO members on privacy issues

As a trade association, the VCO wants to lead by example on privacy laws and regulations. Members of the Expertise Group on Privacy therefore worked hard on policies, supporting procedures and registries to achieve this goal. These will be available to our members soon.

For more information about our activities, expert group membership and issues related to privacy, please contact us


Are you a member and have a complex issue related to privacy or run into something? If you would like to spar confidentially with one of the members of the Expert Group on Privacy, we would be happy to assist you. Click here to leave your information, indicate your question concerns privacy, and we will find the right match for you….

Read more privacy-related news here.


A.E. (Angela) Stap (voorzitter a.i.)
J.F.A. (Francis) Joung
T. (Thomas) Peelen
D.S.Q. (Deborah Serena Queenie) Uhlenkamp
E.V. (Eleonora) Floor