The expert Group was established to share their knowledge and experience, identify so-called ‘good practices’ and to represent the profession in the discussion with various stakeholders in The Netherlands. FEC is a problem which has an appearance in the full supply chain starting with production and manufacturing.

Therefore, the Expert group is represented by different experts of various sectors. And it is not limited to the Financial Sector. For example, they work in banking, insurance, trust companies, real estate, leasing companies and, money transmission companies.


The expert group Financial Economic Crime has a wide range of topics. The group covers the themes Anti Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing, Bribery, Corruption, Sanctions and Fraud. This includes:

  • prevention of money laundering
  • preventing bribery and corruption
  • preventing terrorist financing and complying with trade sanctions


Are you a member and have a complex issue related to FEC or are you running into something? If you would like to spar confidentially with one of the members of the Expert Group FEC, we would be happy to help you. Click here to leave your information, indicate your question concerns FEC, and we will find the right match for you….


Frank Basjes (co-voorzitter)
Maarten Ligthart (co-voorzitter)
Constantijn Dolmans
Cor Jan Dasselaar
Edgar Ultee
Egbert van Rappard
Emre Er
Frans Demmers
Geert Vermeulen
Hidde Jan Wapstra
Ilonka van der Klauw
John Mooring
Katrien Siewertz
Leon Kort
Martin Bothof
Matthijs Zwiers
Michelle Fisser
Musa Elmas
Paul Pruymboom
Peter Mulders
Reindert Tinga
Richhard Hoff
Rosa Huizinga
Ruben Wester
Stéphanie Broekaart
Yevgeniya Balyasna-Hooghiemstra