The challenges for companies in the ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) areas are enormous, impacting on firms’ operations while causing new uncertainties with a lot of impact. The ESG Expert Group aims to help the members of the VCO to get an overview of what is coming their way. We do this in the first place by creating a tool with dynamic hyperlinks to the rules and regulations, accompanied by a brief description. Furthermore, the Expert group regularly organizes lectures for all VCO members on one of the themes E, S, and G.


The objective of the Expert Group ESG is to share knowledge and expertise on ESG related topics with each other so we can continuously learn and develop and further strengthen the Compliance domain on ESG. This knowledge is also shared within the VCO member community, to guide the members through this new and increasingly important topic. This is done by organizing events, publishing relevant articles, providing workshops and creating a tool with hyperlinks to the rules and regulations, accompanied by a brief description.

As ESG is such an enormous broad domain, the Expert Group will focus on pillars that are determined based on important topics in current affairs. Examples of these pillars are reporting / transparency / disclosure and ESG liability.


Are you a member and have a complex issue related to ESG or are you running into something? If you would like to spar confidentially with one of the members of the Expert Group on ESG, we would be happy to help you. Click here to leave your information, indicate your question involves behavior and/or culture, and we will find the right match for you….

Further to the successful seminar featuring the Dutch financial supervisory authority AFM, with valuable practical contributions by NBA and Shell, the VCO ESG Expertgroup, drew up an overview of the next steps to be taken for CSRD and ESRS compliance. For now, the new rules will be applicable to large companies only. (click here for English overview).


SER: CSRD en ESRS, Vragen en antwoorden (NL)

SER: CSRD and ESRS, Questions and answers (ENG)

NBA: Corporate sustainability reporting directive (NL)


T. (Tara) Ditzel-Oyediran (co-chair)
S.W. (Stefanie) Berends
L.P.L. (Louis) de Bruijn
E.V. (Eleonora) Floor
G.J.P. (Gerard) Jong
S. (Sanna) Jordens
J.S. (Jantine Sophia) Kooij
B.H.A. (Bernadette) van Leeuwen
Giana Quandt – Martiena
M. (Morsal) Popal
J. (Joanna) Schaad
Geert Vermeulen
Pieter Thissen
Dirk de Jong