Toolbox Behavior & Culture

The last few years the VCO Knowledge Table  Behaviour & Culture  has worked hard  to develop the Behaviour & Culture Toolbox. For this initiative, it won the National Compliance Award early 2018. Now the toolbox is available to everyone who is interested. The Behaviour & Culture toolbox contains practical tools to encourage integrity-led behaviour  within  basically any organisation.

Getting started with the toolbox right away? Go directly to the toolbox

Using the toolbox, compliance professionals can promote ethical behaviour and a sound culture within the organizations where they work. To this end, the Behaviour & Culture Knowledge Table has developed a practical structure to help find a suitable tool depending on the target audience and the topic(s) to be addressed.

Content of the toolbox
The toolbox contains tools you can use to support management in influencing behavior and culture in the organization. The tools are classified based on the model of the soft controls of Muel Kaptein.

You can use the tools to influence the behaviour of the following target audiences:

  1. the supervisory board
  2. the board of directors/management
  3. senior/middle management
  4. the second-line functions, namely staff functions such as human resources department, internal controller, legal department, etc.
  5. the other employees

Each target group might deal with behaviour and culture in different ways.

Applying the toolbox

Using the toolbox is self-explanatory. After choosing your target group and the behavioural element to be addressed (soft control) , you will be given a number of tools. Each toolincludesa description of :

  • The underlying challenge.
  • The approach/solution developed for this purpose.
  • For which specific target groups this tool can be used.
  • Which colleagues/functions you need in order to use this tool.
  • What materials and techniques might be needed for this.
  • A description of the role of the Compliance Professional

And then…use it! The tools are not off-the-shelf, but meant as inspiration and a starting point to get you started. So feel free to adapt the tool to your organization if needed. Good luck!

Share your experiences

The strength of the VCO lies in its members. Improve tools and help your fellow compliance professionals by sharing your experiences using a tool.